Assess and achieve future energy opportunities.
We help you address market, regulatory, and business challenges of planning and delivering DSM programs, with a focus on cost-effective approaches that increase customer satisfaction.

Unrivaled program experience that yields actionable results.
Our team provides accurate, defensible, quantitative analysis of market conditions and expected savings potential grounded in 20+ years of DSM planning, implementation, and evaluation experience.
What makes Resource Innovations different?
Resource Innovations is an industry leader in market potential studies, customizable modeling, and regulatory testimonies.
Unmatched insights informed by two decades of experience
Our processes are informed by 20 years in the DSM cycle of planning, implementation, and evaluation.

Familiarity with regulatory frameworks and processes
Including external collaboration, expert witness testimony, and defensible models and analysis.

A passion for collaborative problem-solving
We value the opportunity to partner with our clients to help them achieve sustainability goals.

Precise, practical and flexible modeling tools
Our suite of solutions can be customized to the specific needs and characteristics of local markets.

Portfolio Planning and Design by the numbers.
Resource Innovations has the people, passion, and scale to lead the energy transition.
Study, evaluate, measure, and verify your energy portfolio.
We deliver custom evaluation, measurement and verification, and market research services for a full range of energy efficiency programs and distributed energy resources.

Make energy efficiency program decisions with confidence.
Our team of economists, statisticians, and data scientists provide you with clear, data-driven, defensible results and practical recommendations that hold up to regulatory review.

Plan for a cleaner, more resilient grid.
Our system engineers can help you estimate the cost-effectiveness of T&D infrastructure investments, assess EV and DER impacts, and build reliability and resiliency into your future plans.

Put our energy expertise to work.
See how Resource Innovations can help you navigate the clean energy transition, meet your decarbonization goals, and deliver successful outcomes at scale.